
Healt in english

In english I was in work groups with Frķša. We had to make a poster about the health and decorate it as we wanted. We did well and I found this project very enjoyable.

Here you can see my task





















I have been doing work projects with Frķša in english. What I had to do with Frķša is to choose whether we wanted to educate the werewolf, vampiers, bigg foot, Area 51 and more. Me and Frķša decided to make a speech about Area 51. We did very well and I am very happy about it.



In English i been writing down about an trip i went to with my class to Ślfljótsvatn. It was veary fun trip and i realy want to go there again and i hope i will. I was there for 2 days. Efter i finished write down what i did i went and read it in the school ipad.



I was doing a project in  English. What i was supposed to do was finding three places i wanted to educate about. I choosed Vatnajökkul,Mżrdalssand and Ólafsfrišri.Im realy proud of the project and you can see it here


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